Gunfire Erupts in Salina Neighborhood: Two Officers and Suspect Killed in Tragic Shootout

Salina, New York – A quiet evening in a suburban neighborhood was shattered by the sound of gunfire in Salina, New York. The streets, ordinarily empty as neighbors settled in for the night, were suddenly filled with the terrifying noise.

The gunfire, captured on a Ring camera at a home on Trivet Drive, resonated about 125 feet away from a shooting incident at a residence on Darien Drive. The shocking clip, shared extensively on social media, depicted the rapid succession of gunshots echoing through the neighborhood.

Lasting approximately nine seconds, the gunshots were too quick to accurately count. The timestamped video correlated with the fatal exchange of gunfire between two officers and a suspect, ultimately resulting in the tragic deaths of a Syracuse police officer, a sheriff’s deputy, and the suspect, Christopher R. Murphy.

Prior to the shooting, officers had attempted to pull over a vehicle in Tipp Hill neighborhood. The driver evaded the police, leading to speeds of nearly 100 mph near Destiny USA. Choosing not to pursue the vehicle, officers traced its plates back to a home on Darien Drive where the violent confrontation took place.

Local authorities, including the Syracuse police and the Onondaga County sheriff’s office, have announced a press conference to be held at The Oncenter in downtown Syracuse to address the details of the incident. The community remains in shock as the investigation unfolds.