Family Seeks Justice After Tragic Death In Ohio Gas Explosion Lawsuit

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – The mother and sister of a former Penn Hills resident have taken legal action following the tragic loss of their loved one in a natural gas explosion in Youngstown, Ohio. Akil Drake, a Penn Hills High School graduate, was fatally injured while working in a Chase bank branch when a pressurized gas line ruptured due to alleged negligence.

The family’s attorney, Ben Whitman, emphasized the devastating impact of Akil’s untimely death on both his loved ones and the wider community. Highlighting the preventable nature of the incident, Whitman expressed the family’s deep sorrow and the need for accountability among those responsible.

The lawsuit, which includes YO Properties LLC, LY Properties Management LLC, Greenheart Companies LLC, and several gas utility companies as defendants, alleges a lack of supervision and insufficient presence of workers at the time of the explosion. Whitman stressed the importance of adherence to safety regulations and industry standards to prevent such tragedies.

As investigations unfold, Whitman anticipates additional defendants to be implicated in the case. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is actively involved in the inquiry, with an initial report expected within the next 30 days and a final report possible within 1-2 years.

The legal proceedings underscore the need for strict adherence to safety protocols to avert catastrophic incidents. Whitman vows to pursue justice for his clients and hold all accountable parties responsible for the grievous loss suffered by Akil’s family.

Looking ahead, the trial for the lawsuit may extend over several years as the legal team delves into the circumstances surrounding the tragedy. Whitman remains resolute in seeking closure for the family and ensuring that all implicated parties are brought to justice for their roles in the fatal explosion.