Dulwich, a prestigious neighborhood in South East London, has been plagued by a string of violent crow attacks, causing fear among residents. The attacks, which have resulted in a schoolgirl being injured and a mother with a pram fleeing from an aggressive crow, have been captured on video and shared widely.
Footage showed a cyclist being pursued by two relentless crows, with locals reporting nearly ten incidents of aggressive crow behavior since last year. Interestingly, bald men have been identified as the most common targets of these attacks. In response to the escalating issue, residents have been advised to carry umbrellas for protection, and some have even resorted to wearing helmets for added safety.
Dulwich, known for its celebrity residents like Tom Cruise, Huw Edwards, and Margaret Thatcher, has become a battleground for residents and crows on Townley Road. During the nesting season, which occurs between spring and early summer, parent crows can become aggressive in defense of their offspring, leading to confrontations with passers-by.
Bridget Furst, the chair of the Dulwich Residents’ Association, recently visited Townley Road after hearing about the mounting attacks and witnessed one firsthand. She described the scene of crows circling overhead and shared accounts of previous incidents where individuals were sent to the hospital due to crow attacks.
Longtime residents like Alison Frean have also experienced multiple attacks by the aggressive crows. Despite efforts to mitigate the issue, including wearing protective gear, the crows continue to target unsuspecting individuals passing through the neighborhood.
The ongoing problem of aggressive crow behavior has extended to children on scooters, prompting concerns among residents about the safety of outdoor activities. Many locals have shared their encounters with the avian assailants, recounting instances of being swooped on and clawed by the crows.
As the community grapples with the persistent threat posed by these birds, efforts are being made to understand and address the root cause of the aggression. With no immediate solution in sight, residents remain cautious when navigating the streets of Dulwich, where the skies are no longer as peaceful as they once were.