Terrifier 3 Shockingly Ignores Uncle Greg’s Horrific Demise Amidst Family Carnage

In the chilling narrative of “Terrifier 3,” which unfolds over the Christmas holidays, the gruesome fates of Sienna and her extended family take center stage. Set in a bleak, unnamed town, the film tells the tale of Sienna’s visit to her Aunt Jess, Uncle Greg, and cousin Gabbie, only to find their holiday turned into a terrifying nightmare by the vengeful return of Art the Clown and his accomplice Vicky. The film culminates in a …

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Authenticity: Joe Berlinger’s Accurate Portrayal of Ted Bundy in ‘Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile’

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – Director Joe Berlinger is known for his work in true crime, particularly with projects like the 1992 documentary “Brother’s Keeper” and the “Paradise Lost” trilogy. Recently, Berlinger delved into the story of Ted Bundy through the documentary series “Conversations With a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes” and the film “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile.” The latter, starring Zac Efron, has garnered attention for its portrayal of Bundy’s charm and charisma, …

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