Multiple Endangered Whales Found Dead or Missing, Conservation Concerns Rise Over Fishing Gear Entanglement

MARATHON, FLORIDA – Since mid-December, a troubling trend has emerged in the waters off the coasts of the United States, raising concerns among whale conservation groups and federal officials. At least seven endangered whales, including five North Atlantic right whales on the Atlantic Coast and two fin whales on the Pacific Coast, have been found dead, seriously injured, or gone missing. The discovery has sparked investigations and prompted calls for action to protect these majestic …

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Bacteria Linked to Sudden Deaths of African Elephants Raises Concerns for Endangered Species’ Survival

Zimbabwean scientists have discovered a potential link between a deadly bacterium and the unexplained deaths of six African elephants in Zimbabwe, as well as additional deaths in nearby countries. This finding adds infectious diseases to the list of challenges facing African elephants, a species at risk of endangerment. This discovery stresses the importance of further research into the causes of these deaths to ensure the survival of the species. A group of international organizations conducted …

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Mystery of Endangered Elephant Deaths Solved: Scientists Identify Deadly Bacterium Causing Fatal Septicemia

Hwange, Zimbabwe – Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in the investigation into the mysterious deaths of hundreds of endangered African elephants. The deaths of thirty-four elephants in northwestern Zimbabwe in 2020, along with an additional death in November of that year, prompted concerns about the cause. A research published in the journal Nature Communications revealed that six of the elephants died from septicemia caused by Bisgaard taxon 45, a bacteria previously unknown to cause …

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