Man Shoots Half-Brother Over Cellphone

NAPERVILLE, Ill. – A man from Florida is facing first-degree murder charges after allegedly killing his half-brother on Christmas Day in Naperville, Illinois. Kendall Yarborough, 28, reportedly shot his half-brother, James Watson, while Watson was searching for his cellphone. The incident took place at a home located in the 25W0-100 block of Wood Court in Naperville, which is located within the Chicago metro area. When authorities arrived at the scene, they found Watson with a gunshot …

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Ex-Boyfriend Used GPS Tracking Device To Kill New Romantic Rival

Jacksonville, Florida – A 39-year-old man in Florida has been convicted of first-degree murder and armed burglary with assault or battery after brutally stabbing his ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend over 100 times and attempting to set his house on fire. Randall Brown’s fate was sealed after authorities discovered incriminating evidence, including his online searches for “how to kill someone with a knife” on his work phone. The victim, who remains unidentified, tragically lost his life in the …

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